
How to Earn Money from Patreon. Best Online Earning Platform. Most Authentic Online Earning Platform.

How to Earn Money from Patreon. Best Online Earning Platform. Most Authentic Online Earning Platform.


In this post I will tell you about Patreon and how to earn money on it. If you will follow my advices and given steps no one can stop you from earning a massive income. 

If you want to earn by running a subscription service of your content you are on right place. This platform (Patreon) gives you earning by subscription of your content by the people. You can launch your Patreon page to earn. The paying subscribers are called patrons. This amazing platform has more than 3 million monthly active patrons and over 185,000 content creators. So, you can imagine that how big is this platform. In some countries i.e., North Korea, Syria, Iran, Cuba and in some regions that are Crimea, DNR and LNR this platform is not available. In other countries you can earn on this amazing platform. You can upload your content by following different ways:

1)Videos 2) In written form 3) Audio 4) Photography

Fees for Creators and Patrons

First your account creation is free, but after this a creative earner on this platform has to pay a fee 5% to 12% of the total income he or she earns and this %age depends upon the plan chosen by the Patreon creator. You can choose any of these three plans:1) Lite 2) Pro 3) Premium. The fees for payment process will also be taken.

The fees of patrons depend upon the fees selected by the patreon content creator.  

How to Increase Your Earning on Patreon

If you want that you have to earn more money on this amazing platform you have to expand your total audience with the help of social media platforms. The other way is by growing your no of passionate followers by making friendship with them. A best way is to create a content without any fees so that you will get more followers. You can also increase your earning by increasing membership tiers(ranks) so that members will try to get a good rank and they will pay more for your content.

Thanks for reading!






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