
How to Create RDP. How to Give Remote Desktop Protocol to a Computer.

How to Create RDP. How to Give Remote Desktop Protocol to a Computer.

The remote desktop protocol (RDP) is made to give a protocol or technical standard or process to a desktop computer to control it with remote. Following is a step-by-step guide to create RDP:

Step 1: First you have to login into any of your Gmail or create a Gmail in any browser.

Step 2: Then you copy this website and have to open this website on any of the browser

Step 3: After that you will see two codes in the website. You have to copy the first code i.e.,  and open it into another tab.

Code 1:

Code 2: docker run -p 8080:80 dorowu/ubuntu-desktop-lxde-vnc

Step 4: After opening it you will see that editor of google chrome shell is already opened. Then you have to paste the second code of website given in step 2 into the google chrome shell editor. After entering it the editor will take some seconds to ready your RDP.

Step 5: After some seconds your RDP will be ready. Then you have to scroll up the editor and then click on the option on the top right corner of the screen as shown in below picture.

Step 6:
After clicking that option, you have to click on "preview on port 8080".

Step 7: After clicking on this option, your RDP will take 10 to 15 seconds to connect.



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